Astym treatment has proven to be beneficial to patients recovering from accidents and injuries because it not only regenerates healthy soft tissues such as tendons and muscles, but it also reduces or completely eliminates scar tissue that can be painful and restrictive. At Alliance Physical Therapy we have found success with Astym therapy even when other traditional methods have failed. It was developed specifically and scientifically to fix the underlying cause of soft tissue injuries, rather than just reduce the pain of symptoms temporarily. Because of its extraordinary effectiveness, we are proud to offer this treatment.
It is a great benefit to patients impacted by scar tissue problems, tendinopathies, and other dysfunctions of the soft tissue. Patients are often sent to us directly by their physicians to receive this specific treatment.
Soft tissues are defined as the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. When they are injured in some way, as in through scarring or degeneration, the result can be painful and the patient’s quality of life is seriously impacted. There are obvious scars that are visible on top of the skin, but often the more serious problems stem from scar tissue that forms inside the body around the muscles, joints, tendons, and ligaments. If injured soft tissues are not repaired properly in the healing process, they degrade over time, which leaves the patient prone to re-injury. Other causes of degenerating tissue include intense use, age, or improper movement and weakened muscles. Astym therapy is effective both in reducing internal scar tissue and in regenerating tissues that have been injured.